Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Things done till now... None.. Hehe...

Gone out wif friends for farewell dinner on Monday, but shouldn't have gone cause the whole group, I was like left out, should have gone swimming wif the other group, at least they wont lef mmi out.

On Tuesday, went to see movie wif the other group. This movie is quite weird... the movie is call 'Unleashed' starring jet li. Jet li plays danny, a guy who is treated like a dog by a bad guy. He has a collar on his neck and live in a cellar at the basement. All he does is obey and fight. When his gang and him met an accident, someone help him to live a new life.

I dunno why i am writing rubbish here. but this movie let me see the change he(Danny) have done. Well. That was nice...

Been moody lately. Friends, gg to army soon, today.... wish them luck.

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