Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Been having changes everyday, often, sometimes? Well, I have been weird recently. Troubles are all gone. But now all I could say and speak about, are girls. Seem to find one for myself. But girls of your dream and the real girl that you have will be different. Not married, never fell in love with anyone before, so don't ask me if it is true.

My favourite idol is Ayumi Hamasaki - long hair, big eyes, slim .... haha.

*NOTE: The girl you like may or maynot like you. When you choose people, they will also have a choice to choose you or not.
The world I am looking at now is still very small. I have seen nothing yet. 20+ still can't quite think properly about my future. I wonder now, each and everyday. What I should do for my future? What job can I do? Everyday live a care free life. Seems so happy. Just wait till day pass by. But I don't like it..., couldn't do anything about it. Times seems to fly faster and faster...
Everyday in a humans' life, there is always some questions in mind and some conclusions.
So I decide to conclude things that what I think about on everyday.

Living in reality and living in a virtual world.... which one would you choose?
For me, I like to play online games. Mostly I play everyday 24 7. Like to make friends inside the game. Some are friendly while some are not. In my real life, I don't have a lot of friends that I can chat with. At times, I think about my games more than my friends when I am going out with them. Perhaps use to it, or else competition... In both of the world, just a nothing, just a normal being. Who knows if in the future, you will get to live in your dreams or a virtual land.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


This week. I cant control my emotion any more. It is getting worse and worse. Try to avoid hurting anyone. How long can I control it? I don't know who to approach now. Other friends got their problems...